Ever wondered what a branding process looks like? So your thinking of hiring a professional brand designer BUT you have no idea what to expect? Every brand designer or branding company has there own process. So let me walk you through mine!
When you first start thinking about investing in your business then you should schedule a discovery call! The discovery call is complimentary and lasts no more than 30 minutes. During the call we get to know you, your business and your goals. Knowing this upfront helps us find the perfect branding solution for your business while helping you accomplish your long term goals. After our call we will send you a custom proposal that is filled with options catered specifically to YOU! Once you have decided on your perfect option we will select your start date. EXCITING!

Before we get started on your project we will send you a few fun and insightful assignments that help us get to know your business and aesthetic so we can best serve you! Not only will they help us know your business better but they will help you discover some hidden gems within your own business. These assignments lay the foundational elements for your new and improved brand PLUS they are really fun!
After you have completed your exploration assignments then we get to schedule your strategy session. This session is such a magical event. During this session we get to know your audience, your values and your mission. The call can last between 2-3 hours because yes we go DEEP. Uncovering the PURPOSE behind your brand is a transformative experience. This session leaves you with a new understanding of the inner workings of your own business and dream clients.
Remember, “a vision without a strategy remains an illusion.” – Lee Bolman
Your strategy will lay the groundwork for your brand and is a vital part of your business!
Now that we have all your exploration assignments and magical strategy session complete you can leave it to us! We begin by taking all that we have gathered about your business + industry and begin our research.
We go IN-DEPTH and get to know EVERYTHING we possibly can about your industry!
After our research is complete we will present you with your very own Brand Guide included with:
- Business Goals
- Brand Mission
- Dream Audience
- Competition Analysis
- Potential Partners
- Differentiating Magic
- Mood Board
- Color Guide
- Font Guidelines
- Media Kit
… and so much more!
This lays a solid foundation for us to build your brand upon and for you to grow your own business upon!

Once everything in your carry-all is approved we get to move to my personal favorite part: Your custom brand design. I let the creativity flow. I begin by sketching out concepts that are in line with your brand vision. Then I take some of the best concepts and refine, design, REFINE, DESIGN! I keep at it until I have 3 STUNNING fully designed logos, icons, and branded elements that beautifully describe your business while attracting your dream client.
Together we have revised and approved your brand identity and NOW we get to design your online home. Your website is the combination of strategy and artistry at it’s finest. We finally get to take all that juicy strategy and customer intel and put it to action! Using key website elements and refined technique we will take your dream clients on a masterfully branded journey straight to that BUY button. Now you can rest, knowing that your business has a strategic plan and a creative identity like no other.
You can feel the freedom of a professionally branded business. All you have to do now is put your strategy into action, experience the growth and taste that sweet success.
You have put your heart into your service and now the world can see it purposefully and beautifully.
Interested in learning more? Chat with us today HERE.