For Website & Branding Projects

For Self-Study & Group Coaching




ready to Transform your


your life.

Everything you wish you learned in school.


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Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey, no matter where you stand in your financial or personal life? Welcome to the Peaceful Money Club—a holistic path to elevate yourself, your business, and your inner peace with a group of women ready to do the same. It's time to surround yourself with the kinda people who want to transform as badly as you do. Join us while we up-level ourselves TOGETHER.

You know you were put here to experience and accomplish so much more. So let's freaking do it - together.

Elevate Your Life, Your Business, Your Self.

But wait who am I to guide you?

I'm Hannah J.,  ideator, artist, brand creator, mother, coach & consultant.  

- my goal: to  live a life of peace & wealth simultaneously. to give the world that and so much more.

I have made it my life’s journey to understand at the deepest level what the mind and the power of manifestation/ entering your own realm in money, business, health, and mental looks like. I consider my business to be my form of self expression, art, and a constant questions of my own limitations.

I know how freaking powerful these mindset reframing techniques and numeric strategies are. I have see them work for myself when I multiplied my income by 7x within just 1 year. I’ve watched my clients have AHA moments in our session that change the trajectory of their life. 

I'm on a journey to spread peaceful wealth to good people like you.

Picture yourself embracing your natural rhythm, fearlessly pursuing your dreams, and gaining the practical skills to make lasting changes. Feel the empowerment as you take charge of your time, money, and destiny, all while being part of a vibrant, supportive community. Within the Peaceful Money Club, I will give you the tools to transform your life, your business, and your self. Join us on this remarkable journey and experience the transformation from stressed to abundant living - finally become the person you have been dying to be - take the actions you have dreamed of - and experience the success you desire.

ascend your business to new heights, achieve personal fulfillment, and finally create a fulfilling relationship with your finances. 

Imagine if, by joining the Peaceful Money Club, you could

A goal propeller program to help you go from stressed to peaceful in your financial, personal, and health habits

I’m going to help you create a sustainable plan and keep you accountable to sticking to your goals. You’ve got the dream, and the drive, but now it’s time to create the direction with an expert, stay committed with a community, and finally see results. You will address your finances from an abundant space, create a routine that leaves you feeling fulfilled instead of guilty, and bridge the gap between the current you and the best version of yourself.

This program is created for you and we adjust as we go to make sure that your needs are being met and your goals are being accomplished. We are going to challenge your beliefs and argue for your benefit instead of arguing for your own limitation. I believe in the best version of you and I will challenge you to believe in it too. this is not a program created for those who want to stay in their safe bubble. This program is to challenge you to truly shift your mindset and accomplish your dreams. 

Finally Experience




The version of your highest self

Daily gratitude and peace

Financial freedom and abundance

You're yearning for a transformative experience that transcends boundaries, both in your business and your personal life.

You seek the keys to success that unlock not just prosperity but also peace and joy. You crave the ability to balance the demands of your professional endeavors with the fulfillment of your personal aspirations. And above all, you're ready to cultivate a harmonious relationship with your finances, freeing yourself from the shackles of anxiety and paving the way to a future of true abundance and tranquility. It's time to join the Peaceful Money Club and FINALLY embark on this remarkable journey to unlock the highest version of yourself.

Tell me if this sounds just like you...

If you landed on this page - I'm guessing that...

You have Financial Anxiety: Dealing with ongoing financial stress.

Tired of Work-Life Imbalance: Struggling to balance personal life with a growing business.

Struggling with Inconsistent Habits: Wrestling with inconsistent habits and self-doubt.

IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE - if you let it.

Together, we are going to define the systems that work for the unique multi-dimensional soul that you are. This program is high-touch - I know that there is no 1 size fits all solution to your issues. I want to get to know you and I want YOU to get to know you. I want you to finally understand your patterns so you can break the ones that no longer serve you while creating new ones that unlock the door to your abundant-ass life. you freaking deserve it and now is the time for you to make it a reality. Let's do the damn thing - together. I use a combination of business and personal strategies to help you define and create the life you have been dreaming of.

By joining your embracing a new chapter of growth

It's time to get aware AF, regulate your emotions, break old habits, and create NEW ones that LAST.

join the club


Girl, aren't you so sick of making excuses? Aren't you so over living in the same unfulfilling cycle? Aren't you ready to just do the damn WORK and get this freaking dream life started?? YAH I get it - I have been there too. This is your sign that NOW is your time. No more waiting - no more excuses.

Aren't you ready to eliminate the stress? Allow me to save you precious time and cultivate your financial abundance, so you can indulge in what truly brings you joy.

Let me make this even more clear - I'm going to teach you all the things I wish I learned in school while helping you create a deeper connection to yourself.

You can't keep repeating the same unhealthy habits, you know that you are ready to change - but your not sure how.

You are sick of living paycheck to paycheck or you are ready to hit the next level in your financial journey, you feel like it's always just out of reach - so close but so far.

You are sick of neglecting your personal aspirations, health, and relationships in the name of money or business... It's not working and it never has but you have no idea how to get out of the hustle.

The main things you will learn are:


Financial Awareness

We begin with "Meditation + Self-Awareness," followed by a monthly "Group Finance Accountability Call." Stay productive with the monthly "Group Co-Working Goals Calls" and gear up for a mindset shift in our motivating presentation and personalized "Mind Mapping" 1:1 session with Hannah.

The first program to tackle your personal, health, Financial and business goals in one place.


money recovery

Next we heal through "Yoga + Money Therapy" in a group call, "Finance Accountability Call," and monthly "Co-Working Goals Calls." Wrap it up with  Cycle Syncing + Emotional Spending, Going Back to Your Roots, and Workbook Exercises. PLUS a live Guest Training on Boundaries & Trauma Healing.



Lastly we solidify with "Manifesting + Lasting Habits" in our course call, personalized "Individual Call" with  Hannah J., monthly "Finance Accountability Call," and monthly "Co-Working Goals Calls." Dive into "Syncing with Your Cycle and Understanding Your Flow" in our presentation.



Join our lively Slack community for group brainstorming and 1:1 access to me, Hannah. Get exclusive resources and enjoy a fun-loving, like-minded community on a journey to self-improvement.

For women who are ready to be supported & guided on their journey to the better life - you know THAT life - the one you have been dreaming of.

join the club

Phase 01.

Phase 02.

Phase 03.

The support you need.

Is this YOU?

Multi-dimensional human being who is ready to propel growth within your personal, financial, and spiritual sides.

DESIRing a shift in self and day-to-day habits.

craving a new community.

Ready to finally meet that dope ass version of yourself that you've met during your favorite meditations.

I'm here to guide, connect, love, and nurture you on your journey to awesomeness

 I am here to guide you, challenge you, remind you of your greatness and, most of all, give you the strategic and emotional tools to fulfill your purpose - whatever it may be. I have a unique set of business skills, artistic nature, marketing tools, and a compassion that surpasses the norm. I am here to be your holistic guide in your multi-dimensional journey towards success. I know how powerful the combination of practical tools, personal awareness, and business strategies can transform not only your business - but your life. So let's do the thing - the ENTIRE thing - together.

Because your not just a business owner, your not just a mom, your not just who you have been before - you are so much more and YOU KNOW IT - 


This IS for you if:

You are ready to break the cycle of lack that you have been stuck in

You are ready to finally become the highest version of yourself

You want to learn practical financial management skills & money making strategies

You are ready to transform your mindset with manifestation, meditation, journaling and daily disciplines

You aren't willing to look deaply at yourself and truly change patterns that are hurting your success

Your content with this reality and don't want to move into a higher one.

You aren't willing to be financially  transparent (at least with me - lol I won't make you share with the group - unless you want to!)

You think manifesting and meditation is just woo woo bs

This is NOT for you if:

* to Join a community that will positively impact your personal, health, and financial goals. (80% of your success is determined by your community)

* Indulge in your own self-awareness

* Meet like-minded humans

* Open up your bank account without any icky anxiety.

* Create a life that feels peaceful and fun.

* Live in alignment with your natural cycle.

* Embrace your desires and dreams, even if they don't make sense.

* Learn skills that will help you create habits that stick.

* Feel empowered and in charge of your time and money.

* Build a life that integrates into every part of who YOU are.

* Get a personalized map that leads you straight to your highest self

YOU should join the club if you want;

Thank you Hannah!! You are so amazing and this group and program you’ve created is so special! I’m grateful I met you and found PMC cause it has seriously changed my life in ways way beyond just my finances. Thank you so so so much! Love you girl.

I’m grateful I met you and found PMC cause it has seriously changed my life in ways way beyond just my finances.

Julia K.

  • Course Work: Meditation + Self-Awareness, Creating A Wealthy Mindset, Compounding Goals, andWorkbook Exercises
  • Finance Accountability Call: Monthly Co-Working call where we DO your finances and get guidance from Hannah.
  • Co-Working Goals calls: Monthly Co-Working Goals Call so you can get shit done and get guidance from Hannah.
  • Live Group Call
  • 1:1 Mind Mapping session with Hannah J. where we review your workbook, set expectations, understand how to adjust and update your schedule.

WHAT YOU GET: (Dirty Details Below)

Phase 01. (Months 1+2)

  • Course Work: Yoga + Money Therapy, Cycle Syncing + Emotional Spending, Going Back to Your Roots, and Workbook Exercises
  • Finance Accountability Call: Monthly Co-Working call where we DO your finances and get guidance from Hannah.
  • Co-Working Goals calls: Monthly Co-Working Goals Call so you can get shit done and get guidance from Hannah.
  • Live Group Call
  • Live Guest Training on Boundaries with Trauma Healing Expert and Psychic Medium Andrea founder of CHANNEL OF THE ALPHA

Phase 02. (Months 3+4)

  • Course Work: Visualization + Manifesting, Practice in Creating Habits that Last, Connecting with Inner Guidance, and Workbook Exercises
  • Finance Accountability Call: Monthly Co-Working call where we DO your finances and get guidance from Hannah.
  • Co-Working Goals calls: Monthly Co-Working Goals Call so you can get shit done and get guidance from Hannah.
  • Live Group Call
  • 1:1 Individual Call with Hannah J. where we review your growth, discuss struggles, and brainstorm strategies.

Phase 03. (Months 5+6)

Financial Awareness

Money Recovery 

Habitual Abundance

Pay in full for this SPECIAL OFFER

This is honestly just an insane amount of value. This is $2,000+ worth of products straight from my shop that you will get instantly just for joining. 

WHEN YOU PAY IN  FULL YOU WILL GET INSTANT ACCESS TO EVERYTHING IN MY DESIGNER AND TEMPLATE  SHOP. (I know it's crazy... but I love my inner circle gals this much.)

My website layout designs (3 website template designs created in Showit - ready to go!)

My Brand & Marketing Strategy, Monthly Social Media Proposal, and Brand Proposal and Pricing Breakdown (the same templates I used to hit 6-figures in my design agency.)

My Designer Shop Bundle, 40+ Canned Emails, Client Feedback in Google Forms, and the Master Brand & Web Workflow in ClickUp

join the club


More details on what you get...

6 months of 1;1 coaching with a clear and steady pace of financial and soul work that builds upon each other.

4x live Group Trainings with Hannah building upon each Module and Live Guest Training on Boundaries with Trauma Healing Expert and Psychic Medium Andrea founder of CHANNEL OF THE ALPHA

Two 1:1 Mind Mapping sessions with Hannah J. where we review your habits, set expectations, understand how to adjust and update your schedule.

Live Monthly Group Finance Accountability Call: Co-working call where we DO your finances and get guidance from Hannah

Live Co-Working Goals calls: Monthly Co-Working Goals Call so you can actually get shit done plus guidance from Hannah

Lifetime access to course content & the meditation library, along with workbooks and projects to challenge your habits and day to day beliefs about yourself and your financial and personal reality.

Slack access where you can talk with Hannah 1:1 during all business hours and brainstorm with a group of like-minded individuals striving toward becoming the best version of themselves.

Instant access to everything in my Designer + Template Shop ($2,000+ worth of templates + resources when you pay in full)

A 6-month goal propeller program to help you transform into the most abundant version of yourself with strategies & tools at a realistic pace that any busy mom or business owner (or both!) can handle <3  with guidance from compassionate experts.




Slack access where you can talk with Hannah 1:1 during all business hours and brainstorm with the group.

My go to resources and spreadsheets. (LITERALLY exactly what I use in my own business and life. Plus whatever cool discover I find in the moment)

The most FUN LOVING community of like-minded individuals striving toward becoming the best version of themselves while eating chocolate, building our bank accounts, and exploring the deepest levels of our souls.

Instant access to everything in my Designer + Template Shop (when you pay in full)



Do the workbook & schedule your mind-mapping call

Join the club and commit to your goals

The live calls and 1:1 group will start March 2024. But you will. have access to the available pre-recorded course modules and workbooks before then so you can dive right in.

Start creating new habits & transorming

You don't have to get started until our kick off call in January BUT if your super excited (like me) then you can start with your workbook and even schedule your first 1:1 mind-mapping call with Hannah!

Throughout the program I will challenge you to address the habits that are hurting you and create new ones that set you on the path towards your most abundant self.

How does it work??

The Inner Circle program starts March 2024 and goes until August 2024 (6-months). Here is a basic breakdown of how things will go.




THIS VIDEO WILL give you an overview of the program!




10x payments


The peaceful money club

Everything you wish you learned in school.



join the club

join the club

INNER CIRCLE pay in full

(Dirty Details Below)

4x live Group Trainings with Hannah building upon each Module and Live Guest Training on Boundaries with Trauma Healing Expert and Psychic Medium Andrea founder of CHANNEL OF THE ALPHA

Two 1:1 Mind Mapping sessions with Hannah J. where we review your habits, set expectations, understand how to adjust and update your schedule.

Live Monthly Group Finance Accountability Call: Co-working call where we DO your finances.

INNER CIRCLE payment plan

Live Co-Working Goals calls: Monthly Co-Working Goals Call so you can actually get shit done.

Lifetime access to course content & the meditation library, along with workbooks and projects to challenge your habits and day to day beliefs about yourself and your financial and personal reality.

Slack access where you can talk with Hannah 1:1 during all business hours and brainstorm with a group of like-minded individuals striving toward becoming the best version of themselves.

Instant access to everything in my Designer + Template Shop ($2,000+ worth of templates + resources)

4x live Group Trainings with Hannah building upon each Module and Live Guest Training on Boundaries with Trauma Healing Expert and Psychic Medium Andrea founder of CHANNEL OF THE ALPHA

Two 1:1 Mind Mapping sessions with Hannah J. where we review your habits, set expectations, understand how to adjust and update your schedule.

Live Monthly Group Finance Accountability Call: Co-working call where we DO your finances.

Live Co-Working Goals calls: Monthly Co-Working Goals Call so you can actually get shit done.

Lifetime access to course content & the meditation library, along with workbooks and projects to challenge your habits and day to day beliefs about yourself and your financial and personal reality.

Slack access where you can talk with Hannah 1:1 during all business hours and brainstorm with a group of like-minded individuals striving toward becoming the best version of themselves.

Instant access to everything in my Designer + Template Shop ($2,000+ worth of templates + resources)

WHEN: 6 months from
March 2024 - August 2024

The peaceful money club

Everything you wish you learned in school.

(Dirty Details Below)

WHEN: 6 months from
March 2024 - August 2024

an amazing, amazing program. I haven't seen anything like this anywhere on the internet 

this program has really helped me to not let life get in the way of my goals , the goal setting calls are amazing.

1000 out of 100, top notch. Yeah, I think you killed it, Hannah.

AND the mind map (call), of course, that's the best, that's the best thing ever. AND the goals (calls) have made me like sit down and take time and actually do it.

this approach that Hannah has is amazing and I don't see a lot of them (coaches) putting this into their coaching.




x6 payments



pay in full

not ready to commit to the INNER CIRCLE LIVE PROGRAM? no worries you can start with the self-study version and upgrade later (I'll subtract your self-study price!)


Don't worry, If you decide to upgrade to the inner circle later I'll subtract the price of your self-study course!



4x live Group Trainings with Hannah building upon each Module and Live Guest Training on Boundaries with Trauma Healing Expert and Psychic Medium Andrea founder of CHANNEL OF THE ALPHA

Two 1:1 Mind Mapping sessions with Hannah J. where we review your habits, set expectations, understand how to adjust and update your schedule.

Live Monthly Group Finance Accountability Call: Co-working call where we DO your finances.

Live Co-Working Goals calls: Monthly Co-Working Goals Call so you can actually get shit done.

Access to course content & the meditation library, along with workbooks and projects to challenge your habits and day to day beliefs about yourself and your financial and personal reality.

Slack access where you can talk with Hannah 1:1 during all business hours and brainstorm with a group of like-minded individuals striving toward becoming the best version of themselves.

The peaceful
money Club self-study

Everything you wish you learned in school.

The peaceful
money Club self-study

Everything you wish you learned in school.

Don't worry, If you decide to upgrade to the inner circle later I'll subtract the price of your self-study course!

4x live Group Trainings with Hannah building upon each Module and Live Guest Training on Boundaries with Trauma Healing Expert and Psychic Medium Andrea founder of CHANNEL OF THE ALPHA

Two 1:1 Mind Mapping sessions with Hannah J. where we review your habits, set expectations, understand how to adjust and update your schedule.

Live Monthly Group Finance Accountability Call: Co-working call where we DO your finances.

Live Co-Working Goals calls: Monthly Co-Working Goals Call so you can actually get shit done.

Access to course content & the meditation library, along with workbooks and projects to challenge your habits and day to day beliefs about yourself and your financial and personal reality.

Slack access where you can talk with Hannah 1:1 during all business hours and brainstorm with a group of like-minded individuals striving toward becoming the best version of themselves.

Ready to enter your dream era?